Even when all evidence are staked and presented to the world their are still some who refused to admit that the world is spinning faster to its ending, thanks to the greed of a few.
The insatiable need for material comfort and the greed to accumulate wealth is the driving force that fueled the melting of the ice berg and the rising sea level,as a result of global warming.
The increased carbon output and the destruction of the forests, the lungs and storage of the carbon in the atmosphere is evident and requires no further explaining.
Going GREEN to save GAIA is easier said than done but we all have the moral obligation and salvation to do so. It may not
be for us or our neighbor but for our future generation too.
We must not rely too much on the false HOPE and promises of science to solve this problem.
The journey may take a long time but we need to take the first step and moved on ,ignoring the wasteful habits of others. We may be a drop in the ocean of humanity but it takes many drops to make the ocean. Our effort maybe negligible but it is vital too.
So when we cut down on the need to use energy excessively, we are all but part of the whole called humanity that have a conscience and feel like the mother earth. We are after all sharing the same spirit as the trees, grass, fish, animals on land,water and sky, the mountains and the sky. BE GREEN AT HEART AND STOP THE MELTING OF THE ICE BERG.
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