1. It is not a native plant---most of our people are immigrants from other parts of the world.
2. It comes in different shapes,colors and sizes-----our people are of different race ,culture and religion.
3. It is easy to plant and grows easily---- our people are versatile and prosper in this harden land and the newer generations are making in roads throughout the world in all fields including business, science and technology.
4. It is a beautiful flower but hidden within the bushes are the thorns that will hit you if you try to destroy it-----Our nation is a soft, colorful and gentle society but our army are forever vigilant one and will fiercely defend her rights and territory.
5. It is a hardy plant that will withstand the harshness of weather and time-----Our nation is well placed to withstand the recession and other hardship and the leaders are wise and honest to help all the people of this nation.
6. The flowers are lasting and do not drop off so easily----The success of our nation like the flowers are ever lasting like the airport, port,etc and they continue to contribute to the pride of the nation.
7. A resilent plant that do not require much fertilizer------like Singapore we do not need the help of other nation or world bodies.
8. This plant is easy to shape and with regular pruning it will show its best colors-----Like Singapore it has a good government and she is able to be shaped to be the best in the world.
9.It is also a medicinal plant---- the success of this nation is an example to the people of the world and we are often the first nation to help our fellow human in times of diseaster.
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