Every year as the 9th of August arrived I cannot help but wondered why a small island, located right at the tip of the Malay peninsula and among bigger nations, can be among the richest in the world.
Lacking in all natural resources except for the abundance of human, most of which had emigrated from other nations, Singapore is well blessed and thrived to excel and stand up to be noticed by the world.
The greatest gift to this country is the evolution of the greatest wealth ,any country in this world could dream of--- CLEAN,DEDICATED and FUTURISTIC GOVERNMENT.
It did not come easy and the credit must go to the founders and dedicated leaders of the PAP government. Without our MM LEE KUAN YEW and his devoted minsters, the nation of Singapore might not have lasted this long. His vision for the nation and the integrity and honesty of the PAP leaders is the main reason why our nation stood tall among the world. This government believe in sharing the wealth of the nation by dividing it equally among the citizens,regardless of race, religion and political affiliation. It's efficiency and ability to provide for all is the reason why the majority of the voters returned the government at every election.
This is the greatest wealth, GOD had bestowed onto the nation of SINGAPORE.
So on the 9/08/09 at 8.22 pm I will stand tall and recite the pledge with all SINGAPOREAN, all over the world. THANK YOU to the founders of the nation of SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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