You can be hearing out your friend's words and yet not able to understand the meaning because you are not listening. To HEAR is the act of receiving the sound waves of the voice with our ears and to listen is to understand the words and meaning of the speech. The later needs both the ear and brain. Many a times we are hearing and yet not listening because we are either not concentrating or we are not interested in the content of the speech. This is why to hear is natural and to listen requires more than the sensory act but both our knowledge and wisdom.
Often when we listen we tend to unconsciously formulate a response and action even before the speech was completed. This often leads to misunderstanding and conflict. In ancient day this is the main cause of WARs. There is a saying that asked us all to listen twice more than we talk. Nature provides for this as we have two ears and only one mouth.
Many a great leaders and achievers are great listeners and not speakers. Some are gifted in both aspect eg. OBAMA.
Many a great religious figure are man and woman of few words and their few words are words of gold because they carry more wisdom then a nagging long speech.
Be contented that we have a perfect pair of ears and have a heart of wisdom for we can understand the words and the wisdom bestowed in it Be happy for we are capable of both as a listener and to be listened to.
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