The GOD must be merciful and ensured that there is ample sunshine,rain and good quality earth for the grain of rice to grow. Too much of sunshine or water will wipe away the soil that allows the rice to grow or kill it. The farmer must know the weather and must plant and harvest it at the right moment.The hardship that goes into the processing of the rice hask to the fragrant and beautiful white rice is beyond our imagination. Next is the storage of the grain of rice before the transportation to the supermarket.At the shop, our poor parents have to buy the sacks of rice to bring home before cooking it for our nourishment and enjoyment. This shows the journey of the grain of rice so do we still treat it as the cheapest part of our meal everyday? I often see parents throwing rice away and encouraging their children to eat the meat and leave the rice. We do blame rice for making us fat but we also cannot do without it. Parents should set a good example and educate their children on the preciousness of the simple food RICE. So now do we still treat this simple container like thrush or gold. The real gold is the rice inside. Gratitude to the farmers,the transporters,our parents,wife who cooked the rice and most of all the heavenly GOD that provide the food for us. Be contented,have a heart of gratitude and be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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