I do not have to compete with my DOG for meat and It is the green thing to do isn't it? Seriously there is more to this than just the above reason.
All my life I like vegetables more than meat. GOD willing,I came from a middle class family where meat was expansive and I only get to eat them on certain festivals. As I progress in life I became more comfortable financially but before long, I was given the courage and chance to remove all kinds of meat from my diet. It was a slow process but I have never regretted this major changes to my life. People ask why and my only reply was that being a VET, I should know better and if I had pledged to help all living creatures than I should not take part in their killing . The slow torture and the painful death that they go through just to provide that nourishment for me is not justified at all.
WHAT IS HUMANE KILLING when a perfectly healthy animal was killed for its meat? Can we only live on meat or can we live without them? The answer is YES and many great men and women did live a long life without this sinful nourishment.
Biologically, our body was made for a veg diet. Consider the dentition,digestive system and our wisdom. The brain should made us wise enough to be passionate and realized the danger of eating meat. Can we visualized the beauty of the living animals when we tucked into their flesh? Can we hear their cries and suffering when they die for us? Can we imagine the sorrow of their siblings and off springs when they realized their love one is no longer around? Can we imagine the severe stress they agonized when they died, releasing harmful chemicals into their meat? Can we see and hear the suffering of those who endulged too much eating this poisoned meat?
I hope you can see why I do not want to be part of this painful human culture. Often I wonder why some people say they are animal lover when they are still part of this killing culture.
If you love them then do not eat them!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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