Friday, June 19, 2009

A cold new generation of singaporean???Can we make a different?

I often wondered what has become of the younger generation of people in this country? The future is not for us to predict but we can try to help by making the world a nicer place to live now and later. The race to acquire knowledge and excel in it too and the desire to built a comfortable life plus the added fame and fortune is getting far worst then we can imagine.In the battle of the fittest and strongest, humanity lost the conscience that makes the world a pretty and happy place to live in.Wisdom was pushed aside and the selfish side of man reared its ugly head and the older generation sees themselves the rare breed. As we look around we can see the examples of such behaviour and often the cupid also involves the young and old too.
Many a times I see young students and teenagers walking slowly across traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, often talking on hand phones and taking their sweet time strolling across irregardless of the traffic waiting patiently for them.They know they have the right of way but they care less for the poor drivers. In the same situation, is the older folks often on walking aids but they make an effort to walk quickly knowing that they are delaying the precious time of the drivers. The effort of the elders do really touch my heart and I often wonder why the younger human do not see the difference.
Observation aside I do wish for a difference and will try to lead by example rather then preaching. I have also met many wonderful young men and women who set an example not only for the young but the senior too.Often they put them to shame. All it needs is the action of a few to teach and show the future generation how wonderful LIFE CAN BE. We only need to observe and treasure the wisdom of a few for the gems of LIFE will brighten all in humanity.


  1. Congrats on this new Blog!
    Will link you on Serangoon Our Kampong website.
    Dick Yip
