Sunday, June 28, 2009


Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes it is sweet and other times salty.How we view the complexity of life and it's problem will determine our outlook and ultimately it's solution.
A few days ago I came across a story that hit me and taught me the very nature of the world and it's problem.

A troubled man went to a monk to seek advice for his life problem.He was met by the monk who did not say a word .

The monk took a handful of salt and mixed it into a cup of water and offered it to the man. He drank it and spitted it out as it was too salty.

Next he took a pail of water and mixed in another handful of salt before offering a cup to the man. He took a mouthful and said it is bearable as it is less salty.

Then he took the man to the pond in the temple and threw a handful salt into the water. He took a ladle and scooped a cupful and offered it to the man. This time he drank it and did not complained.

He than explained to the man that if we are to solved problem we must behaved like the pond, able to absorbed the different flavours of life. Be like the water in the pond............

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I do not have to compete with my DOG for meat and It is the green thing to do isn't it? Seriously there is more to this than just the above reason.
All my life I like vegetables more than meat. GOD willing,I came from a middle class family where meat was expansive and I only get to eat them on certain festivals. As I progress in life I became more comfortable financially but before long, I was given the courage and chance to remove all kinds of meat from my diet. It was a slow process but I have never regretted this major changes to my life. People ask why and my only reply was that being a VET, I should know better and if I had pledged to help all living creatures than I should not take part in their killing . The slow torture and the painful death that they go through just to provide that nourishment for me is not justified at all.
WHAT IS HUMANE KILLING when a perfectly healthy animal was killed for its meat? Can we only live on meat or can we live without them? The answer is YES and many great men and women did live a long life without this sinful nourishment.
Biologically, our body was made for a veg diet. Consider the dentition,digestive system and our wisdom. The brain should made us wise enough to be passionate and realized the danger of eating meat. Can we visualized the beauty of the living animals when we tucked into their flesh? Can we hear their cries and suffering when they die for us? Can we imagine the sorrow of their siblings and off springs when they realized their love one is no longer around? Can we imagine the severe stress they agonized when they died, releasing harmful chemicals into their meat? Can we see and hear the suffering of those who endulged too much eating this poisoned meat?
I hope you can see why I do not want to be part of this painful human culture. Often I wonder why some people say they are animal lover when they are still part of this killing culture.
If you love them then do not eat them!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Last night, I was given an opportunity to sit in and learn at the "Meet the people session" at my MP's weekly session. The atmosphere was friendly and hectic too. I was glad that I had this chance to see the other side of community work. It was neither glamorous nor over bearing but it clearly proved to me, the main reason, why our SINGAPORE is so great. What a gracious government we had and how hard our MPs and community leaders worked to better the lives of her citizens. Into the depth of the night, they are still working hard, trying to sort out the complicated issues of others while the rest of the people can sleep in peace and worry less. This burden is not theirs but they took it as theirs.
The maze of life is amazingly complicated with many choices to make and their consequences. After 4 hours at the session, I was convinced that the main purpose of this sessions was to provide an avenue for people in trouble and help by lending an ear to their problem,providing alternative views and solution for them,explaining to them their situation, from a third party and trying to solve their problem in the way they wanted. The main aim was to give them HOPE and Lead them to a better life. From complicated family troubles to those affected by the financial crisis,the solution is not simple but I see most people leave with a lighter heart and a ray of hope. With SMILES and THANK YOUs, they leave with the hope that the world will be more favourable to them tomorrow.
To the MP and community leaders their reward is the satisfaction that they tried to make a difference to someone's life and hopefully for the better.
I left last night with a sense of pride,gratitude,contentment and joy for I am living in the best country in this HUMAN WORLD. The MP and her aides are still hard at work when I left at 12.20am. My only hope is that I can learn quickly and continue to contribute to this great and caring SINGAPOREAN society. MAJU LAH SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

A cold new generation of singaporean???Can we make a different?

I often wondered what has become of the younger generation of people in this country? The future is not for us to predict but we can try to help by making the world a nicer place to live now and later. The race to acquire knowledge and excel in it too and the desire to built a comfortable life plus the added fame and fortune is getting far worst then we can imagine.In the battle of the fittest and strongest, humanity lost the conscience that makes the world a pretty and happy place to live in.Wisdom was pushed aside and the selfish side of man reared its ugly head and the older generation sees themselves the rare breed. As we look around we can see the examples of such behaviour and often the cupid also involves the young and old too.
Many a times I see young students and teenagers walking slowly across traffic lights and pedestrian crossing, often talking on hand phones and taking their sweet time strolling across irregardless of the traffic waiting patiently for them.They know they have the right of way but they care less for the poor drivers. In the same situation, is the older folks often on walking aids but they make an effort to walk quickly knowing that they are delaying the precious time of the drivers. The effort of the elders do really touch my heart and I often wonder why the younger human do not see the difference.
Observation aside I do wish for a difference and will try to lead by example rather then preaching. I have also met many wonderful young men and women who set an example not only for the young but the senior too.Often they put them to shame. All it needs is the action of a few to teach and show the future generation how wonderful LIFE CAN BE. We only need to observe and treasure the wisdom of a few for the gems of LIFE will brighten all in humanity.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In the begining

Life can be a pain in the neck but it can also be a blessing and a wonderful experience for the conscience filled individual. What is good for some may be considered bad for others. The right to some is the wrong to others. So what is the meaning and answer to the ever nagging question?
Some found it while others are still searching for the answer. Those who found it will laugh at themselves and wonder why they took so long to locate the answer. Many will ask and blame themselves for not being able to seek the truth.
This blog was created to bring to all the life and time of the foolish man who is still in persuit of the thing called CONSCIENCE.
I am in my 50s,male and have a steady job and a good family. Actively involved in community work and seen all kinds of people I often marvelled at the complexity of life.
After so long I will have to be contended with the way to a happy and harmonious life. It is simple and yet not easy to follow but with practice,it should come like the wind and the sun,simple and fruitful. Three points to follow-----Contentment,Gratitude and Happiness